Icelandic Ram I

Icelandic Ram I
Icelandic Ram Portrait in Sepia or Black and white . Available in stretched canvas or pigment print on cotton rag paper in multiple sizes , framed or unframed .
Over the ages the ram has been viewed as the symbol of leadership ,initiative, action and determination. When you invite the ram spirit animal to make an appearance in your life be ready to express fiery fours, virility and fervor . If you meditate on the ram, it will help you to suppress your weakness is well elevating your strengths. The ram will inspire you to exude the power and energy you need to provide your community with quality leadership. I'm spirit in your life or just you to assert yourself. Don't be afraid to venture into new territories. Act decisively when you find yourself in new circumstances. Allow the ram to give you the courage to grab life by the horns, so to speak. You see the horns of the ram, imagine the limitless power that lies in your own head. Let this be the fuel you need to grow, day by day.